Original lyrics by Tatyana Koroliova
Translated by Alexei Markov

Do make me stay with you, my tender
Just disregard my false excuse
My explanations have no use
Do make me stay with you, my tender
Block up the exit, silly you
Make me, forgive, forget, surrender
I”ll be your P.O.W.

I lie when I pretend to go
I need your shoulder lean and cry
I did it, but I don’t know why
I lie when I pretend to go
Look at that horrid snow-storm
And make me shut my stupid “no”
Your cozy room is nice and warm

We won’t stop our midnight talking
The day has gone, the stars came out
It doesn’t matter what about
We won’t stop our midnight talking
We’ll make our tea at four a. m.
Hope, my desires are not shocking
I want you talk me into this.
